Latin Names |
English Names |
Sanskrit Names |
Hindi Names |
Anethum graveolens Linn.
Peucedanum graveolens Linn. /
A. sowa
Roxb. ex Flem. |
Indian Dill |
Satahva, Madhura |
Sotapa, Sowa |
The dill seed was much esteemed by Indians, who
used it as a condiment and medicine. An infusion of it was
given as a cordial drink to women after confinement. The
leaves moistened with oil were used as a poultice for
suppurative skin conditions. It was an excellent remedy,
mostly given in the form of Dillwater, well known to every
English mother and nurse. Mahometan writers described it as
resolvent and deobstruent, carminative, diuretic and
emmenagogue. It also found mention in Persian literature.
Habitat |
It grows throughout the
tropical and sub-tropical parts in India. It is cultivated
throughout India chiefly in Punjab, Uttar-Pradesh, Gujarat,
Maharashtra, Assam and West Bengal. It is sometimes found
growing as a weed of cultivation and even as an escape in
irrigated fields.
Morphology Description (Habit)
It is an annual, glabrous, aromatic herb, grows up to 1.2 m
in height. The leaves are decompound and ultimate segments
filiform. Flowers are pale yellow in compound umbels. Fruits
are sub-elliptical, dorsally compressed, glabrous, with 3
longitudinal ridges, winged, with 2 mericarps. The mericarps
remain joined together even under stored conditions. Vittae
with marginal walls appear irregularly and have thickenings
near the angles.
Principal Constituents
The major constituent of the oil from the mericarp is
carvone (19.5-69.7%).
Carvone is reported to have carminative and antiseptic
action1. Plant showed appetite-stimulating
Dill-apiol, one of the constituents, was reported to be
The fruit is hot and bitter. It is carminative, stomachic,
digestive, anti-flatulent and stimulant. It is used in
digestive disorders.
- Harborne, B.J., 1999, Phytochemical Dictionary, Taylor
and Francis, London.
- K'o Hsueh Nung Yeh, Chem. Abstr., 1980, 93, 210148 a.