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Mucuna Prurita CAPSULEs home
Latin name: Mucuna Prurita
Family: Leguminosae
Common name: kapikacchu, markati, atmagupta
English name: cowhage


It is found almost all over the country.


Mucuna Prurita Capsules

Macroscopic identification
It is a slender extensive climbing plant with ovoid seeds.

Parts used
Seeds, roots and legumes

Pharmacological action
Astringent, anthelimentic, nervine tonic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, vermifuge and stimulant, anodyne, antidotal, psychedelic, and powerfully aphrodisiac

Actions and uses in ayurveda
Vatavyadhi, kampvata, klaivya, raktpitta, dustvrana, daurbalaya

In intestinal worms, leucorrhea, spermatorrhea, dyspepsia, colic, hemiplegia, and facial paralysis

An analysis of Kaunch seeds has revealed that it has 9.1% moisture, 25.5% Protein, 2,96% Ether extract, 6.75% fibre 3.95% Minerals, 0.16% Calcium, 0.47% Phosphorus and 0.02% Iron.  Besides these, Kaunch seeds have appreciable amount of L-DOPA and small amount of Sulphur, Manganese, 4-Dihydroxy Phenylalanine, Glutathayon, Lacithine, Galic acid and glucoside.

Seeds of Kaunch also contain Nicotine, Prurinidyne C8, H16, O2 N2 and Prurinidyne C6 and N3 alkaloids. Their combined content is only 0.53%. These seeds also yield dark brown coloured oil which contain 22.4% saturated fatty acid (stearic and palmitic acid) and 76.7% unsaturated fatty acid (oliac acid and linolinic acid).

Properties and action
Rasa: madhura, tikta
Guna: guru, snigdh
Virya: usna
Vipaka: madhura
Karma: vatasamna, vrsya, kaphapitta-hara, brihan, raktdoshnasahk.
Preparations: oil, powder, paste, and decoction.

Therapeutic classification index

  • Central nervous system: it is used in paralysis, hemiplegia and other nervine disorders and spasms associated with Parkinson's or Bell's Palsy
  • Digestive system: it is used in intestinal worms and colic
  • Reproductive system: it is used as an aphrodisiac and is used in seminal weakness, spermatorrhea.
  • Genito- urinary system: it is used in leucorrhea and profuse menstruation

Kaunch an aphrodisiac

  • A clinical study confirmed the efficacy of the seeds in the management of Parkinson's disease by virtue of their L-Dopa content, the precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine.(1) Mucuna pruriens, recognized as an aphrodisiac in Ayurveda, has been shown to increase testosterone levels (2), leading to deposition of protein in the muscles and increased muscle mass and strength(3). It is also known to enhance mental alertness and improve coordination(4). Isolated chemicals include bufotenine and DMT

Use of Kaunch in Parkinsons disease
Recently Dr. Bela Manyam, Professor of Neurology at the Scott & White Clinic, Temple Texas, part of the Texas A & M Medical School, a National Parkinson Foundation Center of Excellence, treated Parkinson patients with a powder made from the whole bean of Mucuna pruriens. Mucuna pruriens is a legume, and as a legume it's a rich source of tocopherol, or Vitamin 'E.' Vitamin 'E' has a variety of beneficial effects.

Dose: powder 3-6 gms

capsule Kaunch beej contains pure Kaunch beej
Dosage: one capsule twice a day.
Package 60 capsules


  1. Prof P.V Sharma, Dravya Guna Vigyana, Vol II, pg 569
  2. Dr.KM Nadkarni, The Indian Materia Medica, Vol.I, pg 818-820
  3. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Of India, Part I, Vol.III, pg 23-24

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