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Bauhinia Variegata CAPSULEs home
Latin name: Bauhinia Variegata
Family: Leguminosae
Sub family: Caesalpiniaceae
Common name: Kanchnar
English name: Mountain ebony, orchid tree


Sub Himalayan tract and the forest of India and Burma.


Bauhinia Variegata Capsules

Macroscopic identification
Kanchnar is a medium sized tree with dark brown bark with silvery patches and longitudinal cracks. Orchid tree grows 20-40' tall and 10-20' wide with a spreading crown of briefly deciduous leaves, which are 4-6" across and rounded with lobed ends and heart shaped bases. The leaves are shaped a little like a cow's hoof. Some cultivars have leaves with white variegations. The flowers are reminiscent of showy orchids, with five irregular, usually slightly overlapping petals in shades of magenta, lavender or purplish blue. The flowers often make their first appearance in late winter while the tree is bare of leaves. The blooming period then lasts until early summer. The flowers are 3-5" across and carried in clusters at the branch tips. A member of the bean family, orchid tree produces flattened brown woody legumes (pods) up to 12" long. The cultivars 'Candida' (white orchid tree) have snow-white flowers with greenish veins.

Parts used
Bark, roots, buds, gum, leaves, seeds and flowers.

Pharmacological action
Bark is alterative, tonic, astringent. Root is carminative and flowers are laxative.

Action and uses in Ayurveda
Krimiroghara, gandmala, apaci, gudabhramsa, vrana

Scrofulous enlargement of glands.

Tannins, Alkaloids- sennoside, Ascorbic acid, Bioflavonoids, Vitamin C, Mucilage, Essential oils- camphene, eugenol, gingerols, Alkaloids- piperine, piperlongumine, Steroids-guggulsterones that are lipid soluble, oleoresins

Properties and action
Rasa: kasaya
Guna: ruksha, laghu
Virya: sita
Vipaka: katu
Karma: gandmalanashan
Preparations: emulsions, pill, paste, gargle and decoction.

Therapeutic classification index
  • OBESITY: When there are signs of excess weight with a sluggish lymphatic system this is appropriate
  • Digestive system: decoction of buds is used in bleeding piles, worms, and diarrhea.
  • Respiratory system: a gargle made from the bark is a remedy in sore throat. A decoction of buds is used in cough.
  • Skin: it is used in malaria. In inflammatory skin disorders with oozing this is a very effective formula. When the toxins are obstructing the deeper fat tissues and the Lipid layer then Kanchnar is the appropriate formula
  • Endocrine system: the emulsion of barks externally and extract orally are used in scrofulous enlargement of glands of neck. It is also a specific herb for hypo/hyper thyroid. It has a balancing activity on the thyroxin production; increasing any deficient production and decreasing any excess. It also clears swellings in the neck and goitre. It is a specific herb for swollen lymph nodes, cervical adenitis, scrophularia or swollen glands in general. It effectively flushes the lymphatic system of toxins, sluggishness and accumulated wastes. Also may be beneficial where the sinuses are congested because of the sluggish lymphatic system. It is a powerful decongestant
  • Genito-urinary system: decoction of buds is used in haematuria and menorrhagia. Used for polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, and vaginal discharge. It is a fantastic remedy for treating endometriosis- the Kanchnar astringes the bleeding whilst the other ingredients scrape and eliminate the adhesions

Dose: powder 3-6 gms
Capsule Kanchnar contains pure and concentrated Kanchnar.
Dosage :one capsule twice a day, before meals.
Package size: 60 capsules.


  1. Dr.KM Nadkarni, The Indian Materia Medica, Vol.I, pg 184
  2. Prof P.V Sharma, Dravya Guna Vigyana, Vol II, pg 234
  3. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Of India, Part I, Vol.I, pg 56

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