Macroscopic identification
Bark channeled, externally dark green to greenish gray:
smooth with circular lenticels and transversely ridged,
internally reddish brown.
Parts used
Bark, seed and flower.
Action and uses in Ayurveda
Asrigdara, apachan, daha, raktadosa, sotha, hrid roga
Bark is strongly astringent and uterine sedative. It
acts directly upon muscular fibers of the uterus. It has
a stimulating effect on the endometrium and ovarian
Properties and action
Rasa: kasaya, tikta
Guna: laghu, ruksha
Virya: sita
Vipaka: katu
Karma: grahi, varnya, hrdya, sothahara, visaghna
Powder, ghrita, decoction, and arisht.
Therapeutic classification index
- Central nervous system: both decoction and
juice of Asoka Chhal are used in hysteria.
- Blood and haemopoeitic tissue: bark is
useful in internal bleeding hemorrhoids and also
hemorrhagic dysentery. It is haemostyptic.
- Digestive system: in powder form it is used
in abdominal discomfort. It also helps in deworming.
- Genito-urinary system: bark is useful in
uterine affections, especially in menorrhagia due to
uterine fibroids and other causes. Decoction of bark
is useful in leucorrhoea. Seeds are diuretic and
prevent calculus deposition.
- Immunity system: it is applied as a paste
on cut wounds. It acts as an antiseptic.
Ashok a healer of all female troubles
It is general recommendation by the healers to boil the
bark with cows milk and take the milk (after removing
the bark). For taste, sugar can be added. The healers
suggest every female native to take this milk once in a
day, upto three days, in every 3 months, as preventive
to gynaecological troubles. In case of menorrhagia, the
healers boil the bark in water and prepare a decoction.
In this decoction many other herbs are added. This
decoction is given every morning (empty stomach) to the
patients. Many healers boil the bark in milk also. The
decoction is also used externally for washing. In case
of Leucorrhoea, the healers boil the bark in mixture of
milk and water. When water evaporates, the combination
is given to the patients.
The traditional healers of Bastar region informed me
that the aqueous paste of Sita Ashok flowers and roots
can be used for breast enlargement successfully
Use of Ashok in arthritis and pain in joints
The bonesetters of Chhattisgarh use this herb, like
Arjun (Terminalia Arjun). The patients having bone
fracture are advised by the healers to take Sita Ashok
bark with water. Sometimes it is given with Arjun bark.
According to the healers, the bark contains valuable
natural chemicals that help in quick reunion.
Many healers dip the bark whole night in bark and next
morning prepare a paste. This paste is applied
externally on injured bones in order to hasten the
healing process. According to them, it is effective as
well as good painkiller.
Dose: powder-3-6g
Fresh juice 10-20 ml
Capsule Ashok Chhal pure and concentrated Ashok Chhal.
Dosage: one capsule twice daily.
Package size: 60 capsules.
- Dr.KM Nadkarni, The Indian Materia Medica, Vol.I,
pg 1104-1105
- Prof P.V Sharma, Dravya GunaVigyana, Vol II, pg
- The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Of India, Part I,
Vol.I, pg 14